Van Hazinga Appraisal & Consulting specializes in providing high-quality appraisals of multi-family and seniors housing properties in New England and across the country. My principal focus is the completion of HUD MAP appraisals and Section 8 Rent Comparability Studies and I have extensive experience in the valuation of services-enriched properties. I serve a variety of clients, including HUD-approved mortgage lenders, property owners and managers, and developers.
Appraisals and market studies meeting the requirements of the HUD Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP) Guide.
Rent Comp Studies
Rent Comparability Studies to establish the market rent of Section 8 units for HAP contract renewal or planning purposes.
Services-Enriched Housing
Accurate valuation of properties that offer enhanced services to support the wellness and independence of their residents.
Get In Touch
For any inquiries, please contact Andrew Van Hazinga at 978.342.1306 or use the email contact form.
Personalized Appraisal Service
Van Hazinga Appraisal & Consulting was established to offer personalized appraisal services tailored to meet the individual needs of every client. The scope of each assignment is defined to solve the specific appraisal problem at hand with an accurate and fully-supported report that satisfies the client’s intended use.
All appraisal assignments are completed from start to finish by Andrew Van Hazinga. I have been working as a general appraiser since 2003 and have focused on the appraisal of multi-family and seniors housing since 2007. I complete all aspects of the appraisal process and do not use trainees or contractors to work on any portions of the assignment. This insures the highest quality, consistency, and completeness of every assignment.